Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Effect Of Race On Poverty
The Effect Of Race On Poverty Racism has existed throughout human history, and it continues to represent significant problems for many people in the United States today. Racism is the belief that ones race is primarily, the determining factor that reflects human traits and capacity. Racist ideology generally supports the premise that a particular race is either superior or inferior to another, and that a persons social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. The distinction of racial differences, gives way to the belief of an inherent superiority of a particular race(s), while simultaneously ordering other races in a hierarchy. Institutional racism causes large numbers of individuals, who are deemed inferior, to be denied even basic rights or benefits befitting mankind. Conversely, the group that is deemed superior has, historically, been elevated to positions that allow them to enjoy preferential treatment over the so called inferior group(s). Why do people from one so cial group oppress and discriminate against people from other social groups; and why is it so difficult to eliminate? The purpose of this study considers if racial discrimination continues to represent a significant problem for African Americans and other ethnic minorities in the U.S. Some race theorist feel compelled to assert the rather pessimistic view that racism is permanent, and even the use of politics and policy will not curtail the development of racial distinction and antagonisms. Racial inequality has become an enduring, deeply regimented means of knowing and organizing the social world, and thus it is unlikely to be completely eliminated. The Black experience in the United States has enriched the fabric of American history and society in a myriad of ways, many of which have only recently been recognized. However, the overarching theme of Black and other minority group experience has been one of misery, exploitation, inequality, and discrimination. It is to this end, that those who wish to understand the minority experience in America ask the following question: Are minorities making progress in the United States? Recent battles regarding civil rights and race discrimination in the United States were fought on two fronts legal, and the publics perception of race. Legal fronts consisted of lawsuits and amended legislation prompted institutions such as schools, banks, and government agencies to lessen race discrimination. Brown vs. the board of education, the civil rights act of 1964/65, and other subsequent battles brought race discrimination to the attention of the American public. The former front involves the publics perception of race. Henry and Sears (2002) argue that public sentiment concerning African Americans is governed by a psychological blend of negative feelings and conservative values, particularly the belief that African Americans violate cherished American values. The perception of African Americans is rooted in an abstract system of early learned moral values and ideas that typically view them as social misfits. Racial conflict has plagued the United States from its inception, in particular it has been primarily driven by racial prejudice of African-American (Allport, 1979). While overt forms of racial discrimination, such as Jim crow segregation has all been eliminated in the United States, and whites opinions regarding racial issues have become more liberal; nevertheless, racial discrimination remains a significant difficulty for many ethnic minority groups to contend with in the United States. Moreover, recent research shows that racism has evolved from these overt forms of Jim Crow segregation (older belief systems which incorporated social distance between the races). One form of research has developed around the basic idea that new forms of racism has taken root in America, is the symbolic racism theory (Sears, 1988). According to Kender and Sears (1981) symbolic racism is commonly described as a coherent belief system which supports concepts that, racial discrimination is no longer a valid point of contention for African Americans, and that their disadvantage stems from personal irresponsibility, and thus their continual demand for equal treatment is not valid. Proponents of liberal optimism, on the other hand, contend that viable solutions to our nations race problems are possible. Robert parks (1950) clearly articulate key concepts of a race relation cycle. Parks argues that race relations develop in a four cycle stage: contact, conflict, accommodation, and assimilation. The first stage occurs when two or more different races of people come together, and they are obliged to interact with each other. Competing for scarce resources, they fall into conflict, which eventually gives way to accommodation, where a stable but antagonist social order fosters a social hierarchy. Finally, Parks asserts that accommodation is attained when different races assimilate through a process of cultural and physical merging. The end result of such a merger is the development of one homogenous race, where class supersedes race as the primary focal point of social distinction. Parks ascertain that race relations invariably pass through the previously mention fo ur stages, and that the present location of particular race of people, offers strong evidence to suggest not only their past but also the future path that a particular race of people will encounter. Our society, like many others throughout the world, is organized by powerful dynamics that are often very difficult to interrupt. Privilege is a predictable precursor for such things as race distinction, because the privileged group must distinguish itself from other groups. Distinctions based on race may not always be carried out with malicious intent, however, to suggest that the effects of such characterizations are inconsequential, definitely deserves examination. But, how are we to understand the realities that both produce such distinctions and the ensuing consequences that they invariably produce? Do we view them as purely accidental, or as oddities that simply seem to happen? Or is race, in fact, reflective of designed dynamics that are sown into the very fabric of our society? III. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS Does race affect income equality? In theory, income does affect the quality of life, in terms of having resources to insure ones success. The concept of income level should demonstrate rather racism remains a significant barrier for the economic advancement of African Americans and other minorities in the U.S. The issues here that are under consideration do not dispute the fact that the position of African Americans and other minorities has changed in the last generation; rather it is the less traceable issue of whether these changes can be summed-up as measurable improvement of economic equality, and consequently an improvement in the quality of life of minorities in the United States. The social economic status of Caucasians (the comparison group), African Americans, and other minorities African Americans and other minorities will be compared to discovery which group, on average, has a total family income below 25, 000 dollars. The context of relative total family income level of, individuals in a particular race, demonstrates to what degree, if any, racial equality has been achieved by considering which group is more likely to live in poverty. IV. DATA AND VARIABLES In order to empirically examine rather race remains a significant barrier for the equality of ethnic minorities in the United States, this researcher uses General Social Services (GSS) data. The GSS were designed as part of a data diffusion project in 1972. The GSS replicated questionnaire items and wording in order to facilitate time trend studies. This data collection includes a cumulative file that merges all data collected as part of the General Social Services Surveys from 1972 to 2004. The 2004 survey was composed of permanent questions that appeared on two out of every three surveys and a small number of occasional questions that occurred in a single study. The DEPENDENT VARIABLE Income Level A comparative level of income between Caucasians (the comparison group), African Americans and other ethnic minorities over time will demonstrate rather racism remains a central hindrance to the advancement of minorities in the United States. That is, I hypothesis that Caucasians will show a higher mean income from that of minorities and, therefore, a lowered propensity for having a total family income of 25,000 dollars or less. If racial equality is present between races, then, we can expect to see a somewhat uniform distribution of income between the different ethnic groups, and an average number of people in different races, living in poverty. However, if we see a significant difference between mean incomes of different ethnic groups, then, we assume that there is no real equality. The continuous variable income was converted to a dichotomous variable (because of a skewed distribution of income) where if respondents total family income is 25,000 or less, then they are considered t o live in poverty; conversely, if the respondents total family income was above 25,000 dollars per year, then they are coded as not being in poverty. Income level is measured by the GSS variable (VAR: INCOME). Respondents were asked, In which of these groups did your total family income, from all sources, fall last year before taxes that is? A fifteen point response category was used to capture respondents answers: under $1,000; $1000 to 1,999; $2,000 to 2,999; $3,000 to 3,999; $4,000 to 4,999; 5,000 to 5,999; $6,000 to 6,999; $7,000 to 7,999; $8,000 to 8,999; $9,000 to 9,999; $10,000 to 14,999; $15,000 to 19,999; $20,000 to 24,000; $25,000 or over; refused; dont know, no answer; not applicable. The variable INCOME was converted into a dichotomous variable: 1) 1= living in poverty (income $25,000 or less) 2) 0= not living in poverty (income above $25,000). THE KEY INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Race The mere distinction of individuals by race invariably gives way to the belief that slight biological differences between certain groups of people predetermines the worth, intelligence, value, and other aspects of a persons being. As a consequence, race distinction, is typically followed by the formation of preset stereotypes regarding a particular group of people, and the creation of a racial hierarchy. Distinction by race has been the catalyst, throughout mans history, for wars as well as hate-crimes, and it has caused untold human suffering not only in the U.S., but indeed, throughout the entire world. It is this authors hypothesis that race continues to plague minorities in the U.S. Race is measured by the GSS variable (VAR: RACE). Respondents were asked, What race do you consider yourself? Respondents were asked to select their appropriate race from a three-point scale: White, Black, or other (specify). The key independent variable RACE was dichotomized as follows: 1) Black or not, and 2) Other race or not. THE INDENENDENT VARIABLES: The independent variables in this study are: Age, Sex, Education, religion, political affiliation, and years of education and training. Age It is my hypothesis that the working age of an individual will be positively correlated with a higher mean income. That is, when people begin to work they will often start at the low end of the pay scale in their respective occupations. However, as they gain more experience on the job, their worth to their employer increases, and thus they can demand higher incomes. Age is measured by the GSS variable (VAR: AGE). Respondents were asked to indicate their age by selection from the approximate eight point choice category. The categories are listed as follows: 10-19 years of age (y.o.a.), 20-29 (y.o.a.), 30-39 (y.o.a.), 40-49 (y.o.a.), 50-59 (y.o.a.), 60-69 (y.o.a), 70-79 (y.o.a), 80 or over, and No answer/dont know. REMARKS: Respondents age: Data has been recoded into actual age in cols. 92 and 93. See Appendix D, and Appendix E. Age distribution, for the detailed response. The distribution for the first digit, col. 92 is given below. See Appendix N for changes. SEX Not only is income level stratified along racial dement ions, but, also by gender. Traditionally, the U.S. has always exercised patriarchal domination, and, as such men have characteristically held more prestigious employment positions that typically pay more. Therefore, I hypothesize that the mean income of men will be higher than that of women. Gender is measured the GSS variable (VAR: SEX). Code respondents sex, they were asked to indicate their gender by using the following two point response category: Male, Female; Male=1, female=2. Education Level I hypothesize that higher individual levels of education will be positively correlated with higher a mean income. Individuals who have higher levels of education will be more valuable to their employers because of special training, job skills, and knowledge allows them to perform specialized tasks. Education is measured by the GSS variable (VAR: DEGREE). Respondents were asked, What is your highest level of education? Respondents were asked to select their appropriate education level from a six-point scale which is listed as follows: 1) Less than high school, 2) High school, 3) Associate/ junior college, 4) Bachelors, 5) Graduate, and 6) Dont know. Religion Raised with I hypothesize those individuals who were raised in families that regularly attended religious services as children will have a stronger work ethic, than those who did not, consequently, those individuals who were raised with religion will possess a higher mean income than those respondents who were not raised in a family that attended religious services. Religion is measured by using the GSS variable (VAR: RELIG16). Respondents were asked, In what religion were you raised? Respondents were asked to select the religion they were raised in by making a selection from the following five-point choice selection category: Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, none, other (specify religion, and/or church denomination. The variable RELIGION was dichotomized as follows: 1) Jewish or not, 2) Catholic or not, 3) Protestant or not 4) Other religion or not, and None or not raised with any religion, is the comparison group. Political Affiliation I hypothesize those respondents who are republicans (who typically hold more traditional values) will be more positively correlated with higher mean income levels than those of other political affiliations. Political affiliation is measured using the GSS Variable (VAR: PARDYID). Respondents were asked, Generally speaking do you usually think of yourself as Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what? The variable PARDYID was dicothomised as follows: 1) Democrat or not 2) Independent or not 3) Other political party or not. Hypothesis 1: Is there any significant gap in the income of African Americans and other minorities compared to those of Caucasians in the United States, and what ethnic minorities are more likely to live under the poverty level? If we find that a particular ethnic group is more likely to live in poverty compared to Whites, then, one might conclude that racism continues to remain a significant obstacle for the economic advancement of the aforementioned minority groups. In addition to race, this study will also consider the impact of age, gender, religion, political affiliation, educational attainment, and the number of years spent obtaining formal education and training, with respect to relative income and those who live in poverty. Poverty is defined as the total family income level of respondents that falls at or under 25,000 annually. V. THE FINDINGS Frequency Distribution of the D.V. and the Key I.V. The main hypothesis of this paper singles out the dependent variable as total family annual income (VAR: INCOME), this continuous variable was converted into a dichotomous variable: 1) respondents whose total family income was 25,000 dollars or less are considered to be in poverty, and they were coded as 1; and 2) those respondents whose total family income is above 25,000 dollars were coded as 0and they are considered not in poverty. There was a total of 2,812 respondents.1, 764 respondents (71.1%) reported that their total family income was $25,000 or more (not in poverty), and 718 (28.9%) reported that their total family was income was below $25,000 (in poverty), and 330 (11.7%) respondents showed missing data for this question. The Key Independent Variable Race The key independent variable for this study is race (VAR: RACE), and this nominal variable was dichotomized as follows: 1) Black or not, 2) Other race or not (White is the comparison group). The frequency distribution for Black or not is as follows: there was a total of 2,812 respondents in this study, 377 of whom (13.4%) reported that they were Black, 2,482 respondents indicated that they were not Black, and 333 respondents failed to answer the question. The frequency distribution for Other race or not is as follows: 2812 respondents took part in the survey, and 201 persons reported that their race was Other (7, 1%), and 2,611 respondents reported that their race was not Other. Chart 1 Chart 2 Calculate Univariate Statistics. The dependent variable INCOME was converted to a dichotomous variable (in poverty or not) and it has a frequency of 2482, a mean of 0.2893, and a standard deviation of 0.45352. Most respondents in the survey had incomes that were 25,000 or more (not in poverty). The key independent variable RACE was dichotomized as follows: Black or not, and Other race or not (Whites are the comparison group). The frequency for Black or not is 2812, with a mean of 0.1341, and a standard deviation of 0.34079. The frequency for Other race or not is 2812, with a mean of 0.0715, and a standard deviation of 0.25767. AGE has a frequency of 2803, a mean of 45.96, and a standard deviation of 16.1801. RESPONDENTS SEX has a frequency of 2812, a mean of 1.54, and a standard deviation of 0.498. RS HIGHEST DEGREE has a frequency of 2811, a mean of 1.61, and a standard deviation of 1.207. RELIGION IN WHICH RAISED was dichotomized as follows: 1) Jewish or not, 2) Catholic or not, 3) Protestant or not, and 4) Other religion or not (No religion is the comparison group). Jewish or not has a frequency of 2809, a mean of 0.0228, and a standard deviation of 14924. Catholic or not has a frequency of 2801, a mean of 0.2960, and a standard deviation of 45656. Protestant or not has a frequency of 2801, a mean of 0.5598, and a standard deviation of 49650. Other religion or not has a frequency of 280, a mean of 0.0421, and a standard deviation of 20092. PARTYID was dichotomized as follows: 1) Democrat or not, 2) Independent or not, and 4) Other political party (no political affiliation is the comparison group). Democrat or not has a frequency of 2800, a mean of 0, 3425, and a standard deviation of 0.47463. Independent or not has a frequency of 2800, a mean of 0.3539, a standard deviation of 0.47827. Other political party or not has a frequency of 2800, a mean of 0.0104, and a standard deviation of 0.10126. Pearsons Correlation Analysis As hypothesized Pearsons correlation supports the premises that the total family income of Blacks, on average, is likely to fall at or below 25,000 dollars (poverty). Pearsons correlation is 0.175 (very significant); therefore we reject the null hypothesis, and accept the alternative. That is, there is a significant difference between the average total families incomes of Blacks compared to Whites. Other races appeared to earn slightly more that Whites. Pearsons correlation for Other is -0.003. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis for Others, and conclude that there is no significant difference between the average total family incomes of others as opposed to Whites. Pearsons correlation for income and other political party is -0.029, indicating a slight decrease in the number of other political party members who have a total family income of 25,000 dollars or less. Therefore, we fail to reject the null, and conclude that other political party affiliation does not significantly affect the total family income of these respondents, as opposed to Republicans. Pearsons correlation between poverty and Democrats show .064. Therefore, we reject the null, and accept the alternate hypothesis; Democrats are significantly more likely to show a family income of 25, 0000 or more a year. Democrats are less likely to have a total family income of 25,000 dollars or less. Pearsons correlation between Independent party and poverty is -0.064, which is significant, therefore we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Independent party membership has a significant affect on poverty. That is Independent party members are more likely to have total family incomes of 25,000 dollars or less. Pearsons correlation between the Jewish religion and poverty is -.052 which is significant. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis, and accept the alternative hypothesis. We conclude by stating that respondents who are Jewish are more likely to have a totally family income that is above 25,000 dollars. Pearsons correlation for Catholics is -0.55 which is significant. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis, and conclude that Catholics are less likely to show a total family income of less than 25,000 dollars. Pearsons correlation for Protestants is -0.028 which is insignificant. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, and reject the alternative hypothesis. We conclude that respondents who are Protestant are not likely to have incomes below 25, 0000 dollars. Pearson correlation between other religions and poverty is 0.017 which is statistically insignificant. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, and reject the alternative hypothesis. Respondents who coded as having Other political affiliation are not likely to have total family incomes below 25,000 dollars. Likelihood Ratio Chi-Sq. 390.482** Nagelkerke R-Square .2093 *P
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Finance and Dividend Payout Policy Essay
1.What are the problems here, and what do you recommend? 2.What happens to Gainesboroââ¬â¢s financing need and unused debt capacity if: a. no dividends are paid? b. a 20% payout is pursued? c. a 40% payout is pursued? d. a residual payout policy is pursued? Note that case Exhibit 8 presents an estimate of the amount of borrowing needed. Assume that maximum debt capacity is, as a matter of policy, 40% of the book value of equity. In addition, please check TN_26 provided in blackboard which will help you verify this question. Pays no dividends ââ¬â If it pays no dividends, then Gainesboro would be able to channel all its earnings to fund its growth strategy. Its unused debt capacity would be channelled towards the high cash requirements of the firmââ¬â¢s strategic emphasis on advanced technologies and CAD/CAM. 20% ââ¬â With a 20% payout ratio, the firm would have positive excess cash from 2009 instead positive excess cash from 2011 with a 40% payout ratio. This will enable the firm to use its excess debt capacity to fund its expansion needs, keeping within the debt-equity ratio of 40%. 40% ââ¬â With a 40% payout ratio, the projections of 2005 would leave the debt equity ratio at 35%, which still gives the firm some debt capacity, albeit very little flexibility if it wants to keep within the 40% debt equity ratio. Perhaps the firm would have to exceed this threshold to meet its strategic growth needs, and seek more financing. Residual dividend ââ¬â The financing requirements would be less than that of the 20% and 40% payout, as dividends are paid only after Gainesboro has funded all the projects that offered positive net present values. 3. How might Gainesboroââ¬â¢s various providers of capital, such as its stockholders and creditors, react if Gainesboro declares a dividend in 2005? What are the arguments for and against the zero payout, 40% payout, and residual payout policies? What should Ashley Swenson recommend to the board of directors with regard to a long-term dividend payout policy for Gainesboro Machine Tools Corporation? Each of the three options have their own potential advantages and disadvantages based on the growth stage of the firm and investors perspective i.e, if it is income seeking investor or capital gains investor or creditor. Generally firms that are mature tend to pay high dividends because there are few opportunities for growth; whereas, firms that have high growth prospects pay low/no dividends because they would reinvest the excess cash from the earnings for future growth opportunities. With reinvestments, firm could generate more returns to the investors. This would not only help the firm compete in the market place but could also increase the capital gains of the investors in terms of increase in firmââ¬â¢s share price. Zero Dividend Payout Policy: Because Gainesboro is trying to reposition itself as software and highâ⬠technology firm that has high growth potential, it could adopt a zero dividend payout policy. Although, incomeâ⬠seeking investors such as the retirees may be unâ⬠attracted to a zeroâ⬠dividend policy, non-dividend seeking investors who prefer increased value in stock price instead of cash distribution might prefer this option. Moreover from exhibit 4 it can be seen that the firmââ¬â¢s traditional clientele, the long-term retirees, has reduced from 1994 to 2004; while the short-term trading oriented clientele has increased during the same period. 40% Payout: The advantage of this approach is that the firm would start repaying the dividends as it had promised to the investors. This could boost market confidence back in the firm and result in a positive increase in share price. But the disadvantage is that the Gainesboro will have to borrow more funds, which is against the firms strategy, to fund the dividends and its expansion plans Residual Payout: This policy gives Gainesboro the flexibility to pay dividends, no matter how small, to the investors as promised after funding the projects with positive NPVs, which would increase sales and growth prospects for the company. The con of this approach is that there would be lot of fluctuations in the dividends paid over the years, there could also be periods of zero dividends; thereby, imposing negative pressure on the company. Based on the growth strategy of Gainesboro, Swenson should pay dividends as promised to the investors in 2006 and adopt a zero dividend payout policy after 2006. Gainesboro should invest the excess cash to achieve its growth goal; and after the company reaches a mature stage it should start paying dividends like other mature firms in the market.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Compare and Contrast History Essay Samples Is Wrong and What You Should Know
Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Compare and Contrast History Essay Samples Is Wrong and What You Should Know Choosing Good Compare and Contrast History Essay Samples Overall, such a technique made a sense of flatness and unnaturalness. The technique necessary to compose an impressive history essay might vary from 1 topic to another. Every section of an essay is essential, but the very first paragraph is crucial. A Thesis statement has become the most important portion of the essay. It is a short sentence that states what your essay is going to cover. Even in case you have good history essay topics and the perfect ideas in mind, but you're not focused on writing, you may wind up having a low-quality paper. To compose a high-quality paper, you've got to understand how to select your topic properly and utilize it to create a practical outline. Indeed it is a superior test of an essay that the reader ought to be able to guess the question even in the event the title is covered up. Seek out the primary and secondary sources on the provided topics before you begin your very first draft. Such clear transitions always compensate for a smooth and quick read. Simply create two overlapping circles, one for each one of the topics which you are comparing. To begin with, you will need to select two distinct topics that you need to compare and contrast. Our experts understand how to handle US history essay topics with a bit of class. The study of history isn't the answer, but the means of locating the answer for our times. On-line as sistance from expert writers will help save you a plenty of time. Some folks frequently have problems drafting outlines, especially in regards to essay outlines. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Compare and Contrast History Essay Samples Hobbes and Locke disagreed on numerous issues. The conclusion is the overview of the more important points within the body. You need to use good points to produce a logical argument. The body of the essay is wherever your argument is truly made and where you are going to be using evidence directly. Try to remember, that the ideal thing about compare and contrast essay is the fact that it offers a summary of an issue without convincing anybody that the author's perspective is appropriate. With a fantastic subject, you can readily express yourself and achieve the purpose of persuasion for your reader. There is a range of interesting compare and contrast essay topics you'll be able to pick from you can describe laws you want to create, to provide some modifications to already existing laws, or to suggest to cancel a law which you don't like for certain explanations. Furthermore, his vivid diction and understandable hyperbole led to the white audience to understand the error in their waysor at least consider his perspective. Both small and big universities can provide students with the opportunities to reach educational targets. You don't need to discuss major issues and changes in education in case you don't want. Generally speaking, private schools also generally have fewe r students in every single class. Because they offer no such incentives, the people who choose to attend them often do so because they believe that school is the best place for them to receive strong education. It is crucial to go through various history essay samples since it adds up to the knowledge which you have concerning different past events. A family is an essential element in the evolution of mental instability in Yellow Wallpaper and Metamorphosis. It's possible for you to choose topics that are linked to the differences between the 2 cultures, languages or eras. Narrow down your objective history is extremely wide, and so it is nearly not possible to write about everything on a topic that you might have been allocated. Every bit of writing will be created depending on your requirements and the criteria you provide. Think what you would like to convey through your essay and concentrate on delivering it. It's possible for you to employ a professional essay writing service to complete your assignment in the very best quality. You just have to order a very good essay from experts with the greatest academic degrees in an assortment of fields. The very first step whenever you are requested to compose a historical essay is to identify wherever your audience falls. There are an endless number of ways to compose an essay because any type of writing is a method of self-expression. The illustration of an outline is provided below. To start with, in the same way as any other bit of academic writing, a comparative essay ought to have a goal.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Lady Mary Wortley Montagus Turkish Embassy Letters And...
The topic of gender is a pervasive concept that has affected people and interpersonal relationships for all of history. Currently a hot topic among media and current events, the issue of gender roles was just as relevant in previous years. Over the years and throughout various cultures, the concept of gender and the roles associated with genders have changed dramatically. Now as well as in previous years people have struggled to defy the constraints placed on them due to gender norms. Sometimes, gender is viewed in a positive light and is wholly embraced. Other times, oneââ¬â¢s gender is used as against them, shackling a person with stereotypes. The ways in which women are depicted in Lady Mary Wortley Montaguââ¬â¢s Turkish Embassy Letters and inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Even Fatimaââ¬â¢s maids were described to be beautiful. Lady Montagu was impressed by their beautiful belly dancing. Lady Montagu describes Fatimaââ¬â¢s generosity, explaining how Fatima insisted she and her interpreter take fine embroidered scarves(Montagu 165). It is clear through her descriptions that Lady Montagu is enamored by the Turkish women. Perhaps, it is because she herself is a woman and has gained valuable insight into the lives of the Turkish women. It could be said that Lady Montagu favorable descriptions of the beauty of Turkish women is similar to that of the praises of Desdemona is Othello. In Othello, however, it is not a proud and glorious thing to be a woman. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Othello illustrates the tragic relationship of Desdemona, a tragedy brought on by her gender. Throughout the play, it is made clear that Desdemonaââ¬â¢s own wants do not matter. As a woman, he opinion holds no weight. In this society, Desdemona is not more than a piece of property to be own by her father or her husband; males truly hold the power. Initially, the play begins as Desdemonaââ¬â¢s father is alerted that she is not in her room. He is informed that she is away with her husband. Desdemonaââ¬â¢s father, upon discovering she is truly absent, goes into a panic. He expressed his disappointment that his own daughter would betray him by getting married and leaving without his knowledge. Brabantio, Desdemonaââ¬â¢s father, expresses his disdain in her choice of husband. He is
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